About Me!

a little about me

Welcome! My name is Amy and I am the creator of Reading Ready Littles! I live in Ohio with my husband, four-year-old daughter, and my fluffy black cat named Midnight. 

I am currently an intervention specialist for third grade. The students I service typically have reading deficits or other learning disabilities. I spent three years as a reading specialist and the last four have been as an intervention specialist. My position involves co-teaching and small group work. I have the best teaching team that allows for creativity and flexibility to provide the support that our students need. The best part of my job is that I get to provide interventions and extra help to the ones that need it the most. 



birth of the blog

Teachers are continually educating and re-educating themselves in best practices, especially in reading. The tiny nugget of an idea for this blog emerged as I attended one of the in-person LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) training sessions. The emphasis of that unit was on the importance of language development and phonological awareness of children even before they come to school. I remember learning that a child’s language development by age three is directly correlated with their reading ability in grade 3. I remember thinking, But I don’t get to work with kids before the age of 3, so why aren’t parents given this information?! During the session, I began to furiously jot down a list of simple games and activities parents can do with their littles at home that promote phonological awareness. I kept that list for a month, thinking maybe it could turn into a blog one day. Then, to be honest, I threw the list away in a fit of decluttering because I didn’t want to be reminded of a dream that I couldn’t accomplish. Haven’t we all been there? 

After a year or so the idea sprang up again as I was doing some phonological games with my daughter. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I need to get the information out there to parents! I shared my dream with a close teacher-friend that really made me feel like I could do it. I decided to take actual steps to make it happen and here I am doing it! I share all this because I think a lot of moms (women in general) can identify with having a dream and needing encouragement to make it happen. 

"All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them."
-Walt Disney

I’d like to say that I’m an expert in literacy, but I am just one person learning and sharing as I go! My goal for this blog is to provide content that is relatable and down-to-earth (spoken like a true Enneagram 9). I plan to provide information and resources that are actually parent-friendly and easy to implement. To be honest, I am TIRED of all the Pinterest-perfect teacher/mom content creators. It’s not real-life and I have come to learn that no one has it all figured out. Everyone is just doing their best. I hold fast to the notion that when you know better, you do better. I believe that every parent wants to do the best for their children and I am hoping to help along the way.

even more about me



90s nostalgia

The Office

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

Driving on summer days with my sunroof open

Stok Cold Brew

Harry Potter

Sounds Like a Cult podcast

Brush Lettering




My daughter’s tantrums

February (shortest, but feels the longest)

Being late

My daughter growing up too fast

Cooking (but I cook all the time)

White chocolate

Scary movies

